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We care about you and the environment - OUR PRODUCTS
At Harmony Organic we insist on high quality products and environmentally friendly practices on our farms and in the marketplace. As society has become more convenience-minded, a “throw away” mentality has developed and garbage disposal has become an ever increasing and significant issue. In an effort to encourage a more sustainable use of resources and deal with our rapidly filling landfills we offer many of our products in returnable, recyclable glass bottles. We estimate and expect each bottle to make 15 to 20 trips, greatly reducing unnecessary waste. Our concern for the environment has also resulted in our use of hydrogen peroxide instead of chlorine as a sanitizing agent in our cleaning processes, further emphasizing our commitment to reducing our impact on the environment.
An added bonus to packaging milk in glass bottles is the crisp “fresh from the farm” taste that is incomparable to milk packaged in plastic or cartons. Our preference is to package all of our milk in glass and currently over half of our entire milk volume is sold in returnable glass bottles. By choosing Harmony Organic Dairy Products you are indicating your support for sustainable agriculture and helping to prevent the further pollution of our land, water and air.